Monday, September 30, 2024

Ch 5 pg 35


Take Your Support to the Next Level!
Support Parallel Rift's Patreon  for 12 early pages + videos + art rewards + Triune Comic!

Support Needed prt3 END:
There was a total of 21 donations!
I'm so humbled! When I saw this initially on the 25th, I actually cried a little. I woke up with this wonderful surprise that I SMASHED this goal to help with my mum's vet bill! It's been paid on time and everything worked out well. I literally cannot thank everyone enough!! I was able to complete this thanks to everyone! I will be finishing up orders asap as well, so make sure to check out the ko-fi link if you want to see some of the results.

In other news, Renn.Fest is now over with as well, which means I'll be returning to a normal schedule once more. With all that has happened, things are FINALLY settling down as well. There's no funeral date set yet, but mum said she's aiming for something early in October, so I hope she gets that set up soon so that last bit of this can be completed and over with. The next parts after this will be longer tasks but plenty of breaks in between to figure things out. My mum plans to set up a GoFundMe page to help with some bills since my partner and I just aren't able to do so. We paid for a good chunk of stuff as is, but we cannot keep supporting her indefinitely. We are working with her to see what we can do and what plans we can set up to make sure she remains stable enough each month. It does mean some sacrifices may have to be made for a bit of time, but well, we've been there too. It would be nice, when the economy settles down of course, to get mum moved into a smaller, more manageable place, but for now, that simply isn't an option. It would cost her more in a new place, even if downsizing, rather than where she currently is, so we have to work with what we got thus far. The beauty is, we're at least not alone so I don't have to be stressed and strung up about everything. We're going to get through this. I mostly just want the funeral to be over with so that way the focus can be entirely on finances rather than other matters.

I do feel the ending of Renn.Fest was a bit bittersweet, as it always is, but I'm glad it's over too. I'm looking forward to testing out some new hobbies and plan for a few new future things to help me progress as an artist! I look forward to what the future may bring!

Thank you and have a great week everyone!
Stay Creative 💚

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