Monday, October 7, 2024

Ch 5 pg 36


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A Chill In The Air:
Ever closer to the end of Chapter 5 everyone!
There is another chapter after this and that (I think) will close out this sorta...introductory arc. I'm not sure what to call it exactly because nothing is generally resolved in this arc and nor do any characters go through any real dramatic life altering changes... So yeah, feels more like an introduction to things and the situation... a very...very long introduction.
On that note though, I am working on editing pages AND adding in some new stuff to help clarify a few missed points and clean things up, round them off, and make it all cozy. I know there's segments that are a slog to get there, so while I work on Ch6 pages, I'm also going back to fix what needs fixing. 

Even though Autumn has generally only begun here, its been growing ever colder rather steadily. We'll have some mild heat waves in between, but the trees are turning, the leaves are falling, and my dogs are happier to not be roasting anymore, so yeah, welcome the Autumn!
On a more downer of a note....still no funeral date set for my dad. I'm starting to think it won't ever happen. I'd do it myself, but my mum's keeps finding excuses as to why one date won't work or a certain time won't work, etc. So I give up. If it happens, it happens. If not, well, no fur off my hide. We are still working to ensure she'll be financially stable. It's a slow process, but plans are in motion and some things should work out. I have hopes at least.
And in final conclusion, while I work out other matters as well and catch up on a couple owed works, personal works, and comics, I'm still hashing out plans and ideas for being able to get my name out there better as an artist and improving my income, even just a bit. It's been slow, but there surely has to be something yeah?

Thank you and have a great week everyone!
Stay Creative 💚

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