Support Parallel Rift's Patreon for 12 early pages + videos + art rewards + Triune Comic!
This past week has almost felt like a race rather than something more easy going. It didn't surprise me to fail some of the goals I had set up for the end of October for things changed, as seemingly per usual. As much as I'd love to make my comic page goal for the end of the year, it doesn't feel as though it's going to happen. I'll keep trying anyway and maybe I'll at least get close, but it does mean neglecting other things as well. Not that I want to, but as they say, sometimes it's necessary. If I want to try really hard, I'm going to have to crack down and well...try really hard.
On the downside as well, that does probably mean I won't have all the time I desired for my plans next year in terms of what I wished to sell, but maybe since the convention is just a trial run persay, it may at least give me enough finances to start preparing for something bigger, and better stock, and actually getting what I need for a proper table one day. Such a goal still feels miles away, but if I want to get PR printed one day, I need to start saving up for that too for, as much as I hate to be a pessimist on the matter, I know for a fact that I would get all the funding from a kickstarter to get the books created, so I'm going to have to save up on my own for a small batch and start from there. I do still also want to make an artist related book too, just a small one, to sell in the future as well, with various doodles and PR related things that show off what I can do and have done. That alone seems like a goal miles away simply because I don't have the funding for any of those sort of things.
I do hope the economy does get better as that will give me some hope that I can get some work coming in again maybe, but right now, it's too few and far in between. Most months, it's only the Patreon income I receive so once Patreon takes their cut and then Paypal takes theirs, it's only about $72 or so a month, and not all 8 current patrons stay on the same tier or there every month...so thus it's probably more around $60-72 or so and well, as I've mentioned, I cannot survive on that if I had to be on my own for any given reason. I'm lucky my partner keeps pushing me and trying to convince me that my art will work out one day and thus remains my ultimate supporter in the matter, but even then, it would be nice to be able to do something for them one day as a thanks for everything they've done for me. Maybe one day it won't be a pipe dream.
Anyway, thank for letting me a rant a little today. Been feeling a bit down and overwhelmed and yet, still trying to get through it all.
Thank you and have a great week everyone!
Stay Creative 💚
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