Monday, January 27, 2025

Ch 6 pg 3


Take Your Support to the Next Level!
Support Parallel Rift's Patreon  for 12 early pages + videos + art rewards + Triune Comic!

Getting Better:
I'm slowly catching up once more and developing a better workflow but it's still not an easy process to work on in general. Definitely has been requiring quite a bit of my time just to learn how to focus again, but progress is progress, even if small. 
Recently I've also listed Parallel Rift over on Spider Forest, just to try and help spread the title out a bit even though I still have to finish the redone prologue and chapter 1's few pages. I'll get there. I'll really be hammering down this week and preparing for February merch. I've been trying to learn a bit better with figuring out anatomical structure and such as I work. It's not always easy at certain angles for me, but I wanna get there. The best tip I ever heard years ago was to to study while you did things that you actually enjoy or with work. So when I do commissions and comic pages especially, I try to do some learning then as well. Take a moment to work things out on my own to see what I can remember before I dig out and break down references. I've also realized I do need to slow down in general. I've been so used to rushing things that I never stopped to think how harmful that could be in the long run. Faster isn't better because I make many more mistakes. That though...slowing down I mean, will take some time for me adjust. I have tried to assure I don't listen to anything too "stimulating" while I draw, but something that gives me more focus on what I'm doing rather than the words or music. So that cut out all the podcasts I had listened to before. I do still listen, but now I leave it for what it is, entertainment, and not for something during work. I haven't found a podcast yet that has a calmer tone to it yet. One day maybe I'm sure. 

Anyway, merch will be arriving this week and be sent out asap. I'll be preparing the merch for February this week as well and closing out as much as I can while I get ready for the next month.

Thank you for everyone's support and patience!

Monday, January 20, 2025

Ch 6 pg 2 (CW: Blood)


Take Your Support to the Next Level!
Support Parallel Rift's Patreon  for 12 early pages + videos + art rewards + Triune Comic!

A Good Start:
So far, thus far at least, I've largely caught up with things and have been doing pretty well in terms of not falling behind. This week I should even have plenty more comic pages completed so that way the images above will finally change too XD

I still have some illustrations to complete and otherwise am waiting on merch to arrive for Patrons but for once, all the content for this month for Patreon has been completed! Pages are ready, merch is ordered, and all the other content this month has been completed. Some new Lore and insights were revealed, there was a sneak peek to a personal project, and plenty of WIPs and things to show my progression along the way. I do hope to be able to obtain a couple commissions next month as well to help start saving a little bit and not lose all my income by purchasing merch. 
There are other things I wanted to do, but I've been trying to be careful and not overwork or overplan and then just stress myself out because of it. I've been trying at least. Doesn't always work but I think I've been doing better. Little by little at least as they say. 

The weather here has been nastily cold lately so stay warm out there!

Thank you for your support everyone!

Monday, January 13, 2025

Ch 6 pg 1 (CW: BLOOD)


Take Your Support to the Next Level!
Support Parallel Rift's Patreon  for 12 early pages + videos + art rewards + Triune Comic!

Here We Go:
That sure doesn't look like what Fiacre expected.

So far, been handling January's Patreon delightfully! As a reminder, some ranks have changed so be sure to check them out. I'm always open for new supporters, even if it's just to give a small tip monthly. Every little bit can also save you points toward any artwork you may want from me so that's cool.

January merch will be revealed to the Mail Club patrons this week as well, along with some Lore! Had a wonderful sneak peek to the Melody Of Zephyr project and I definitely look forward to presenting more of that in the future as well. Comic pages are coming along slowly but good, reaching the end of Chapter 6 ever closer! I do look forward to the next segment as it should be quite a ride and much more exciting. We do have snow coming in now as well for January but at this time, it shouldn't cause any delays as far as I see it.

Thank you for your support everyone!

Monday, January 6, 2025

Ch 6 Cover


Take Your Support to the Next Level!
Support Parallel Rift's Patreon  for 12 early pages + videos + art rewards + Triune Comic!

New Year, New Chapter:
Welcome to 2025!

It's already been an interesting start to the new year for me. We missed out on a few things we usually do over new year celebrations due to my partner being sick, but we did the best we could. A few things have already been posted to my Patreon since I update near everything on the 5th and this already looks to be a busy month, but I feel pretty ready for it!

The December merch for my Patrons arrived on the 3rd, so was a bit late this year and I will be sending it out with this month's merch. I took a vote over on Patreon to ask what patrons would like the merch for this year to be, the theme, that is, and the winner ended up being Tarot themed, so I'm pretty excited for it. I already have the year planned so I won't be fumbling around trying to figure things out. I'm also only covering the major arcana, mostly to keep it easier for myself, but still enough to cover a decent number of characters from PR. Sticker sheets will also still continue so no change there.

I did, however, end up changing these 2 tiers on Patreon. Just a tad. Nothing super dramatic. One thing I discovered last year, was that videos was just not for me. Not the kind was making as it was simply taking far too much time and I was falling behind on other things and then it was draining everything I had. I will be continuing timelapse videos from time to time though. This part, I have still to plan out a wee bit, but I think I have at least a rough idea of how to break it all down for the year so things should still be interesting. Comic pages will not change at least :3

Speaking of comics, Parallel Rift book 1is now on the LAST chapter! You heard  me right! It took me 6 years to get here, but hey, I'm finally here. Once this chapter concludes, the new prologue and website edits will be implemented fully. Some things may be changing at random throughout the year just to prep and such, but it will all be changed before this year is out. So goes the plan at this time at least. The major changes are to the prologue and around 5 pages of Ch 1. I also have minor edits throughout the story itself, from adjusting dialogue to framing and so on. A lot of it isn't huge stuff but it can time consuming. The hardest part will be putting this all into the website itself. It's also why I haven't updated the Archive in forever. Slow and steady as they say. Slow and steady.

Other than that, my main focus will be on growing my audience and hopefully increasing my Patreon once more! I would like to continue the monthly request sketches but still shy of the number of patrons I need in order to reach that goal. At this time, I'm also still dishing out some of my own pocket money for merch. I would eventually like to break even at some point, but for now, if I can nab a commission or two, it should help cover the costs till Patreon can support it entirely. Every little bit helps a ton!

Thank you to everyone's support all these years!
I hope you all have a happy, healthy, and safe 2025! Lets have some fun and stay creative this year!