Monday, February 24, 2025

Ch 6 pg 7


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Fire Festival and Dog Sitting:
This past week, we went to a nordic fire festival, which was a lot of fun. It wasn't huge like the Renaissance Festival we attend more in the autumn, but it was still worth it. There were plenty of wares to peruse, music, bonfire, and of course, my favorite, some weapon tournaments. It was only for this past weekend.
Now...starting off this week with dog sitting for my mum. Her dog Zoe will be staying with us for a few days so she can have a momentary break and figure out how to fix her computer after it was hacked. She's also been receiving some rather threatening emails from the hackers I assume, but don't know for certain, so ... yeah, fun way to end February hmmm....

In other news, I'm largely on deep work focus mode. Missing merch this month as well so will double up again in March to make it up. Wasn't my intent, but things just ended up spiraling a bit out of control and I did have a small existential crisis and winter blues mixed in. Not the best of combos, but after finally getting out a bit, I do feel largely better and ready to get down to the nitty gritty.

Thank you for everyone's support and patience!

Monday, February 17, 2025

Ch 6 pg 6


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Winter Ensues:
Nothing new to really report XD
We were supposed to have a huge snowstorm but it largely fizzled out. We still have plenty of snow but the actual harshness of a storm never truly hit. Just on and off snowing. Dogs love it though. I....not so much. I prefer warmer weather and green plants.

Anyway though, I have lots of work to do and have most likely fallen behind a tad, but still going to try to do as much as I can! I've also livestreamed a bit last week, and when time permits, will be setting up some videos again. So far, I'm definitely meeting my monthly goals in other areas, so now just time to catch up with the art itself.

Thank you for everyone's support and patience!

Monday, February 10, 2025

Ch 6 pg 5


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Vague title this time, but it's been an interesting past week. While some things went completely fine, despite the cold temperatures lingering here... we had the washing machine suddenly stop in the middle of laundry day. We're hoping it's just something that can be easily fixed, but if not, we'll have to get a new washer, which is not going to be fun. Though, given this washer's age, something was bound to happen sooner or later. Nothing keeps on working perfectly indefinitely after all. Other than that, the new fish tank is fully set up and doing alright. We had to purchase some medicine for the rice fish in quarantine. It's so hard to diagnose what's wrong, whether it's a parasite or wasting disease. Both have such similar symptoms. We're trying not to lose the last 4 adults we have to this....thing. Though, while at the fish store, I noticed they had ottocinculus in again so purchased a couple to help with my tank. I used to have 4 to begin with, but only 2 remained so I also felt that with a bigger tank, having 4 again, given they are social group fish, was a smart choice. So everyone is getting along and all seems stable and good. Still have several months before the tank fully cycles, but we've given it a jump start and that seems to be going well.

I did try a game this past weekend as well...and I have to say, I'm glad I received the game for free, because it's way out of my mental league. I only played for 6 hours, but it was difficult for my brain to handle the economic side of it. I'm sure it's one of those that you have to keep doing and practicing with, especially if numbers and commerce are not a forte in your knowledge pool, but it did become a bit frustrating. I spent 5 of those hours just in the tutorial stages and realized I wasn't even half way through the tutorial by then. That alone boggles my mind. Usually the longest tutorial I have that is right up front is maybe 10-30 minutes long. Most tutorials are spread through out in the games I generally play so when you come across something new or hit a new button, it explains it to you then. But 5 hrs and not even half way through? O.O I do feel like the audience of this sort of game is maybe on the small side. Not sure who would be willing to sit for days to go through all 14-15 tutorial stages instead of just playing the game on their own and attempting to learn as you go. 
Oh well. I gave it a good go though.
I can tell you, after that long on the same thing, my dreams were nothing but numbers and economics and watching little people go about their day XD

Thank you for everyone's support and patience!

Monday, February 3, 2025

Ch 6 pg 4


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Happy Birthday!:
That's right! I'm another year older! For once, this year doesn't feel...empty? Not sure how to describe it but in past birthdays, I've been more willing to sorta shove the day aside and pretend it was just another day like another. It feels like a long time since I've felt good and happy about being another level up. Like, nothing technical has really changed in the last year, other than acquiring aquariums, but anything else, has been less. Didn't produce as much art, my income was way lower than usual, no sudden lucky strikes on socials, none of that. 
And yet, I feel good. I'll take it for what it is :3

And lastly, if you're curious, I'm officially 35. As per every year, there is snow on the ground but today, we also have fog. Gives it an interesting and mysterious vibe out there, if not a bit spooky. Lots planned to do today in terms of work and this week in general, but here we go! Here's to another year!!

Thank you for everyone's support and patience!